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IT Consultants Offer Advice But Falls on Deaf Ears

Information technology (IT) consulting is a profession that rests on the pillars of expertise, experience, and the nuanced art of providing timely and actionable advice. IT consultants are often brought into organizations to offer specialized knowledge and insight to solve complex technical issues or facilitate systemic enhancements. However, what happens when this well-founded advice is either ignored or never solicited in the first place? This blog post delves into these challenging scenarios, exploring the implications and offering strategies for navigating them.

The Role of IT Consultants

An IT consultant’s primary role is to diagnose problems, craft tailored solutions, and assist in implementing them. Typically, the consultant’s journey includes:

  1. Assessing the Current IT Infrastructure: This stage involves understanding the client’s current infrastructure, identifying weaknesses, and recognizing strengths.
  2. Offering Solutions: Drawing from experience and industry standards, the consultant proposes custom solutions to address the client’s unique challenges.
  3. Implementation Support: The consultant often supports the implementation post-approval, ensuring the project follows best practices.
  4. Training and Mentoring: Finally, they may train in-house teams to manage and maintain new systems.

When Advice is Not Taken

The first challenging scenario occurs when the advice given by IT consultants is either partially or wholly disregarded. Here are some reasons why this may happen:

Organizational Culture

An organization’s cultural fabric might be resistant to change. Institutions with a long history of doing things a certain way may view external advice as a threat rather than an opportunity.

Budget Constraints

Implementing a consultant’s recommendations often involves financial considerations. Organizations may be unwilling or unable to allocate the necessary budget, leading to inaction.

Misalignment of Goals

Sometimes, there is a disconnect between the consultant’s priorities and what the organization considers essential. This disparity can cause the consultant’s advice to be sidelined.

Fear of the Unknown

Transitioning to new systems or processes can be daunting. The fear of potential disruption or failure can often outweigh the perceived benefits of new solutions.

Case Study: Ignored Expert Advice

Consider a mid-sized financial firm advised to update its outdated cybersecurity protocols. Despite the consultant’s detailed risk assessment highlighting severe vulnerabilities, the firm opted to make minimal changes due to budgetary constraints and a belief that “it won’t happen to us.” Unfortunately, this decision led to a significant data breach a year later, resulting in financial loss and reputational damage.


  • Operational Risks: Ignoring seasoned advice can leave vulnerabilities unaddressed, posing significant operational risks.
  • Financial Repercussions: The long-term economic impact of unaddressed issues often far exceeds the cost of the initial solution.
  • Moral and Ethical Concerns: There may be ethical implications, particularly when issues ignored have broader consequences, like data breaches affecting customers.

How to Respond as an IT Consultant

Reinforce the Value Proposition

Clearly articulate the long-term benefits of the proposed changes and draw comparisons to potential losses or risks mitigated.

Build Relationships and Trust

Invest time in building stronger relationships within the organization. Trust is often the key to overcoming resistance and fostering a receptive environment.

Use Case Studies and Success Stories

Present case studies and real-world examples where similar advice has led to tangible improvements. Success stories can serve as powerful motivators.

Continuous Engagement

Maintain ongoing engagement and support to ensure that even if immediate recommendations are not implemented, the organization still values the consultant’s role and reconsiders at a later stage.

When Advice is Never Asked For

The second scenario is when IT consultants are not consulted despite evident needs. Here are the factors that contribute to this phenomenon:

Overconfidence in Internal Teams

Some organizations place absolute trust in their in-house teams, believing they possess all the necessary expertise, even for highly specialized tasks.

Lack of Awareness

There may be a lack of awareness about the potential benefits of external consulting, especially in companies where IT issues have historically been handled internally.

Budget Concerns

Organizations might be wary of the perceived high costs associated with consulting services, forcing them to ignore the option altogether.

Misplaced Priorities

Companies often have competing priorities, and IT may not always be at the top of the list, leading to neglected needs.

Case Study: The Unsolicited Need

Imagine a manufacturing company lacking automated data integration between its arms, resulting in inefficiencies and reporting delays. Although the pain points are evident, the company never seeks external consulting due to confidence in their internal IT team’s ability to “eventually” resolve these issues. During a market downturn, the pressures reveal these gaps, compelling the company to rush and seek external expertise, causing significant delays and financial strain.


  • Missed Opportunities: Failing to engage consultants can result in missed opportunities for optimization and growth.
  • Increased Strain on Internal Resources: Internal teams may become overburdened, leading to burnout and inefficiencies.
  • Competitive Disadvantage: Neglected IT needs can place companies at a competitive disadvantage, particularly in rapidly evolving industries.

Proactive Strategies for IT Consultants

Market Your Expertise

Aggressively market the benefits of IT consulting and share real-world success stories that highlight the value of expert advice.

Offer Initial Assessments

Provide free or low-cost initial assessments to help organizations understand the potential value they bring without significant upfront commitments.

Foster Partnerships

Develop partnerships with key stakeholders and decision-makers within organizations to create avenues for future engagement.

Educate and Advocate

Conduct educational seminars and workshops to increase awareness of current IT trends and the advantages of external consulting.


In the complex world of IT consulting, the intersection between provided advice and its reception is a critical pivot point. Organizations that learn to trust and implement expert advice often reap long-term benefits, whereas those that ignore or never seek such insights may face significant challenges. For consultants, the task is continuously communicating value, building trust, and educating potential clients about the transformative power of well-informed IT guidance. We can pave the way for more inclusive, effective, and progressive IT environments by addressing both scenarios- when advice isn’t taken or asked for.

Tom Rooney

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Thomas Rooney